Authors are kindly asked to submit a short abstract. Deadline for abstract submission is May 15th, 2015. The abstracts will be published in a Book of Abstracts which will be distributed among the school participants. To submit the abstract please follow the instructions given here: phdia_abstract_template.docx.
The prepared abstract (in .doc or docx format) should be sent by e-mail to
phdia2015@ifj.edu.pl . The abstracts submitted by students will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee.
After acceptance the author is expected to register by sending the filled registration form: Registration_Participant.doc.
Registration form for lecturers is avaliable here: Registration_Lecturer.doc
The school proceedings will be published in Nukleonika. For more information please contact the Organizers.
Your total cost of participation (if paid by May 22nd, 2015) will be: 450 PLN.The fee covers accommodation, full board and bus transfer from the Rzeszów-Jesionka Airport (RZE) to Bezmiechowa.
After this date a 100 PLN surcharge applies in addition.
The cost of participation is given in Polish zloty (PLN). The exchange rate fluctuates and presently is around 4.30 PLN / Euro.
The current rate can be checked at the National Bank of Poland (NBP).
Name of the bank | Bank PEKAO S.A. II Oddział w Rzeszowie |
Bank address | ul. 3 Maja 21 35-030 Rzeszów, Poland |
Bank account No (IBAN) | PL 29 1240 2614 1111 0000 3958 6445 |
Beneficiary address | Rzeszów University of Technology, al. Powstańców Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszow, Poland |
Please remember to write in transfer title words "PhDiaFusion" or "PhDia2015" and your family name.
Please make sure that the bank transfer costs are not drawn from the transferred funds.
We kindly ask you to send a copy of the transfer order by e-mail to phdia2015@ifj.edu.pl,
or by fax to +48 126628089
Please notice that the invoice information (name and address, institution) will be the same as the data given for the bank transfer.